Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Fantasy shoe stories


We enjoyed inspecting our shoe and answering questions about it.  After doing a detailed drawing, we made a rough copy of our shoe and turned it into a fantasy design.  Take a look at our brilliant art work!  We didn't stop there...  We then imagined walking down the stairs, falling into our shoe and ending up in our fantasy land.  Enjoy reading the comments in this post to find out our individual stories.  

Of course, we tried to use our targets so you should be able to spot good openers and language choice as you read them!


  1. After running downstairs far too quickly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling in a magical land of houses and animals. When I got there I saw some injured animals. I went over to help the fox who had a can stuck on its nose; the weasel had a bag stuck on it. I thought poor thing and there was a giant with a big heavy weight in his hands with butterflies on the weight. I had an ice cream with candy and bon bons on it. It was tasty and I met a friend called bolls I light ha-ha .we played on a sweetie machine and on a light bulb machine then we went to the park to play a bolly ball contest me and bolls one woo pea we one. By Ellie c/;

    1. OMG what good fansty word storys you have wrote well done

  2. After running downstairs far too rapidly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling. In to my shoe then suddenly I was in a race with 3 people in my shoe. After a while my shoe car got faster and faster then I was first in the race suddenly someone got in front of me. I put my foot down and went rally fast I only just got in front of the other people. When I got out I was out of breff. If ide carried on ide died.

  3. The magic shoes….

    After running downstairs far too rapidly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However instead of landing on my shoe.I began falling I ended up here in …….

    I was in the space ship I saw a planet and I had a map of the universe and it said it was caudle marsjupiterous. When I was looking around the space ship I realised that my coson were in with me we decided to land on the planet and exospore but we said why don’t we have some food and get change I said we have no food or water or cothers . Then I realised that we had some on the top of the space ship. After we had done what they had said, We went on the weird planet. I found an alien it went in are space ship I got back in and was going to normal Pluto but we landed on Pluto 2 we went bocers. If we had gone to the right Pluto we would be closer to home but we are closer than we was at marsjupiterour, We said I wish we was at home.

    While we was eating and drink one of are space lights started flickering, Then we noticed and changed the bulbs and set of we got there and we found 10 more aliens and they did the same as the last one. HELP PLEASE THERE IS TOO MANY ALIONS. Although us getting bored and running supplies. When we was swettie we took it in turns to go and get changed. Despite there being too many aliens, we still set of again. We felt mad that this had happened but when we got back to earth 10 years later.

    We had got back and we sold the two since is we were rich we had 9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,999,9999,9999,9999,99999,9999,9999 pounds each.
    We ware rich I think I was one of the happiest people ever live. If we were ever board again we would go into the shoe again. I bought some more so I did not go in all the time but my mum dose not now that I still have the shoes. I think if my mum found out she would go nuts.Whenever addles find something out they always get mad don’t they.

  4. The magic shoe

    After running downstairs far too quickly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling. Into the wold of my shoe in my magic shoe there was a beach. My shoe was a lifeboat in the sea with the gorges sun shining on me.when I was in the lifeboat I saw my best friend walking along the soft sand. She was waving at me so we got of the boat and we went for a stroll along the beach then we got an ice cream. After we had are messy ice creams I saw an arcaded across the road so I got some money from my shoe we played a lot of games then we went back and my shoe was saving a little girl in the blue clear sea.
    By Lauren gray


    After running downstairs far too rapidly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling into my shoe when a meteor right collided into me and knocked me out. And then I was in space looking at all the planets and aliens then …
    I crashed into a planet so I had to call for help after four hours and a half a colane of ants came to rescue me when a giant antihuman eater came to destroy me and the ants so then a man came to rescue us and he was called Indiana jones he tapped his whip at the antihuman eater and then he stabbed the ant eater in the chest. Indiana jones said if the antihuman eater would have touched you would have blown up into a million pieces and the only way to repair you is to heat you up in a metallic furnish and then stick you back together with super glue .Then Indiana jones said its time for you to go home but the little girl did not want to go home but she had to .when she woke up she wonder had it all been a dream…by laurenm

  6. After running far too quickly I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling.
    I was plunging into a dark abyss; suddenly I was stuck in a shark’s mouth that was closing on me! I knew time was running out then captain underpants came flying out of nowhere and hit its teeth and the sharks started crying like a baby and wet its self (ewww). Then the captain offered me a ride to the next space pod when I accepted the invitation I jumped on his back and he flew me away! When we got there we found that it was being ransacked by a load of giant Spanish potatoes and magic man eating teddy bears (arrgh) we jumped down to stop them “GO AWAY DEMONS!!” the evil teddy’s shouted at me just as they attacked the first few times I managed to dodge the attacks the next swipe hit me in the face and I could fell warm sticky blood dripping down my head mean while the great underpants man finally decided to help me and started trying to hit them back as well as this the Spanish potatoes attacked from behind “adodgk” they screamed “I have no idea what you are saying?!” I shouted back while there’s blood in my veins I will defeat these crooks I murmured like magic I got energy and all my pain went away and I seemed to fell so much more power and hit my way through all the teddy bears cap underpants was in a bit of trouble so I came to help I charged strait at the potatoes and squashed them all!! In a matter of seconds I was being shaken awake by my mum shouting wake up or you will be late for school if you don’t get up so I got dressed grabbed an apple and walked to school it was all a dream or was it???

    By max peacock

  7. After running downstairs far too rapidly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling. When I was in my shoe I met a strange person. It was my best friend forever Katy she was rowing a boat. Also I landed on a mountain but unfortunately I hurt my foot because the pointy bit stabbed my ankle (ouch).then my friend Katy saw me so we sailed together sadly I fell on a immense octopus I don’t think the octopus liked me because, he flicked me back on the boat .but we went back on land. We found a tunnel so we went in it we head a mysteries noise it was Megan in my shoes I should of warned her she fell in and found us. but we heard a different noise witch was a grrrrrr noise It was a…Dragon .if Megan didn’t come with two hero’s Blake and Thomas otherwise we would die they killed the dragon under 2 minutes.so we rushed back to the mountain. Then we ended up in my bedroom it was a dreadful day

    Ellie ward please comment

  8. The magic shoe
    After running downstairs far too quickly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling.
    When I was falling I felt the wind gusting hard on my face. After an hour I got to my destination. I was on a rocket with for weird aliens. While I was trying to understand the aliens I was looking around the rocket it had lots of different controls I very confused. Suddenly the controls went a bit weird and then they were a loud beeping noise and a red flash the aliens stopped toking and then they were moving the controls really fast. Just then I felt very woozy and I collapsed the aliens rushed up to me and was talking to me a strange thing happened though after I collapsed I could understand the aliens and I could talk in alien langwidge. Finally I bumped my head and when I woke up I found myself at the bottom off my stairs.


    After running downstairs far too swiftly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling, down and down and down. It felt like I was falling for hours and hour when suddenly my cold bare feet touched the damp and frosty ground.

    Then I looked down and saw that I was on the edge of a miniature planet, covered in sticky, purple goo. At that moment a yellow creature pushed me into a blue rocket attached to a red track. In the rocket I surprisingly saw my two best friends (wardy and Alisha) sat at each window gazing out into space. Suddenly I heard a loud… PING! The rocket started to jolt side to side. I couldn’t tell what was happening so I peered out of the window to find that the colossal rocket was no longer on the track but floating in the air.

    I wondered if the rocket would ever return to the planet. Suddenly I felt so tired and dainty. Then I fell into a deep, deep sleep. When I finally woke up I found myself at the bottom of the stairs in my house on my street in my town in my world wearing my … shoes!

    Wrote by Katy!

  10. After running downstairs far too quickly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling. Into my shoe. And I was racing out of the door I won the game I was so glad I won the game then I went home I could not believe it so much the car was made out of the shoe. After a while I went out in my car and it was cool so much everyone was having ago my car is called the fast car in the would it is a good car in the would I am so happy even my friends are happy although my family was not happy at all but I was happy though my mates are happy so much . it was cool well I think its cool and my friends are my best friend I like him everyone likes my car so much the end.

  11. After running downstairs far too rapidly, I stumbled and fell right onto my shoe. However, instead of landing on my shoes, I began falling. When I fell into my shoe I thought, “where am I going?” anyway I’m to huge to fit in here anyway. WHERE AM I GOING?
    RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I think I’m in a space rocket or out side of it. Is that my shoe with Fry and Lela of the star ship express. Despite the fact It was freeked I was actually enjoying my little self. I got sun burn then I saw a sign It said, “YOU ARE AT SCRUFFY UNI .” Suddenly I saw a light jade colour also a dark green antennae.
