Tuesday, 24 January 2012

History Mystery Tour

Year 5 and 6 visited the National Coal Mining Museum on Monday 23rd January to find out about life at work for children in Victorian Britain.  When they got back, they imagined being the inspectors they had heard about; listening to stories from the children who worked underground.  Here’s what they heard...


“The hardest job to do down in the dark and dusty coal mine is when a boy has to pull a cart full of coal”. Said Samuel Fletcher.

When my dad took me down to the coal mine for the first time I was only five and I didnt know what to do because I had never been down in a coal mine before and then he took a light down so we could see and then he went with the light and left me alone with no light just nothing and I was left in the pitch black all on my own”.

Once my mother made me a creamy delicious cake and I took it down to the mine and I put it down on a piece of brown dirty cloth and then I went to grab a lovely piece and then it was gone the ugly, vicious rats had eaten it all I can still imagine how massive the rats were”.

“When a boy (aged 8-9 years) had to pull a cart full of dusty coal his older sister (aged 11-12 years) also had to help but instead of pulling she had to push. She had to wear a scarlet damp cloth but if she didn’t wear a cloth on her forehead she would have a bald patch in the middle of her head”.

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